Iyengar Yoga for Beginners – Morning Practice

Yoga For Beginners
Iyengar Yoga for Beginners-Morning Practice

This 20 minutes Iyengar Yoga sequence is perfect for waking up the body in the morning, whether you are a beginner, you want to have a morning yoga stretch, or if you are looking for a morning workout to energize. This Iyengar yoga sequence is beginner-friendly, and it’s perfect for when you are feeling stiffness in the morning, and need to have a short yoga class to have more energy for the rest of the day. The asanas in this class include ,Parvatasana,Bharadvajasana,Adho Mukha Virasana,Adho Mukha Svanasana,Uttanasana,Prasarita Padottanasana,Virabhadrasana,Parsva Prasarita Padottanasana,Pawanmuktasana and Utthita Trikonasana,all yoga poses for waking up the body. This class is led by Senior Iyengar teacher Kathy Cook.

Happy Practicing and thank you for joining.

Subtitles added, Timestamps below.

Sign up for the 3-Day Iyengar Morning Practice Challenge

Day 1: Create length and find space

Day 2: Forward bends and awareness to the back body

Day 3: Twisting, back bending, inversions

00:00 – Intro
00:01 – Sukhasana ( Easy Pose )
01:16 – Parvatasana ( Sitting Mountain Pose )
02:40 – Bharadvajasana ( Torso Stretch Pose )
04:08 – Adho Mukha Virasana ( Downward Facing Hero Pose )
05:19 – Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Facing Dog Pose )
07:18 – Adho Mukha Virasana ( Downward Facing Hero Pose )
07:34 – Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Facing Dog Pose )
08:06 – Uttanasana ( Standing Forward Bend )
09:18 – Prasarita Padottanasana ( Wide-legged Standing Forward Bend )
10:26 – Virabhadrasana II ( Warrior Pose )
10:47 – Utthita Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose )
11:08 – Virabhadrasana II ( Warrior Pose )
11:13 – Prasarita Padottanasana ( Wide-legged Standing Forward Bend )
11:34 – Virabhadrasana II ( Warrior Pose )
12:05 – Utthita Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose )
12:41 – Virabhadrasana II ( Warrior Pose )
12:46 – Prasarita Padottanasana ( Wide-legged Standing Forward Bend )
13:05 – Parsva Prasarita Padottanasana ( Twisted Wide-legged Standing Forward Bend )
13:39 – Prasarita Padottanasana ( Wide-legged Standing Forward Bend )
13:44 – Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Facing Dog Pose )
14:00 – Supta Padangusthasana I ( Reclined Big Toe Pose with Strap )
15:47 – Supta Paschimottanasana Variation ( Reclined Intense Back Stretch Pose with Strap )
16:28 – Pawanmuktasana ( Gas Release Pose )
17:35 – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana ( Bridge Pose )
19:00 – Viparita Karani Variation ( Legs up Pose Variation )
19:49 – Savasana ( Corpse Pose )

#iyengaryoga #Yogainbali #desayogi

If you have any questions, leave them on the comment below or find me on Social

Website: https://desayogi.com



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